Category: Azure

Microsoft and Snowflake: New Partnerships For Seamless Data Experience!

Microsoft Snowflake Partnership

Microsoft announced its expansion to their partnership with Snowflake during the Build Conference 2024. This collaboration promises to revolutionize data management by offering seamless bi-directional data access and a commitment to open standards. OneLake, the cornerstone of Fabric, shines even brighter with this partnership. As a single, unified, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) open data foundation, OneLake empowers

Create Pipeline in Data Factory to Copy Data from Azure Blob Storage to Lakehouse with Auto Mail Implementation

In the last article in our Data Factory Series using Fabric, we had introduced the concept of Data Factory Fabric. In this article, let’s explore our knowledge on data pipelines by creating a basic pipeline which copies the data from Microsoft Azure Blob Storage to Lakehouse. For this use case, we will use Lakehouse which combines