Tag: flow

App-In-A-Day Lab Environment Set-Up

AIAD Lab environment set up VNB in association with Microsoft has been delivering App in a Day (AIAD) workshops from last few months. AIAD, is a workshop for you to get hands on experience with Microsoft Power Platform technologies – PowerApps, Microsoft Flow and Common Data Service for Apps. The labs in workshop includes step-by-step instructions for someone new to these technologies to build

Democratizing Digital transformation with Microsoft Power platform

dynamics 365 sales vs customer service vnb consulting

In today’s era of digital age, everybody has their own definition of Digital Transformation, but as per Microsoft, Digital transformation is all about digital feedback loop. The key pillar to any business are: Products, Customers, Employee and Operations. Data is the key for your business. You are generating data all the time as a part of

Using Microsoft Power Apps and Logic Flows to Query Log Analytics

Migration to Power BI

PowerApps with Logic Flow simplify the task of querying Azure Log Analytics.  This tutorial will show you how easy it is to create a PowerApps application and use Microsoft Power Apps and Logic Flows to query logs for better analysis. The application does the following –Queries Azure Log Analytics – Generates a chart result.– Sends an email